Grading Procedures

Grading :

                      Homework :  30%  of the final grade
                      Quizzes :        10% of the final grade
                      Exam1 :          30% of the final grade
                      Exam2 :          30% of the final grade

Grades Curving Procedure:

45.00  < C < 50.00
50.00   <=  B-  < 70.00 
70.00   <=  B     <  77.00
77.00   <=  B+    < 80.00
80.00  <= A-  < 83.00
83.00    <= A    <  90.00 
90.00    <= A+  < 100.00

NO border grade concession.

NOTICE :  Grading method may be changed if the Department so decides.

Last modified on  18th  July 2001