News Section: COT 4400 - Analysis of Algorithms (Summer 2001)

Date: 18th July 2001 (New)

Date: 17th July 2001

Date: 12th July 2001

Date: 7th July 2001

Announcement : On 18th July (Wednes Day) TA will have special office hrs from 11:00am-12:00noon to discuss any questions that you may have regarding the grading of final examination. Pls. make sure that you come during that time and get yourself clarified. After that we will assign letter grades and no more questions will be entertained.

Date: 5th July 2001

Date: 3rd July 2001

Date: 26th June 2001

Date: 19th June 2001

Date: 12th June 2001

Homework1 solutions distributed in the class. HW1 and Quiz1 returned.


Date: 11th June 2001

Homework1 and Quiz1 grades have been posted. Pls. visit grades section for details.

Date: 7th June 2001

 Homework 2 problems are already posted on the web. Pls. visit the homework section.

Date: 5th June 2001

 As per the voting in the class the  instructor's office times are changed to TTR  2:00-4:00pm. This is final and no more changes will be made.

Date: 30th May 2001

 On the request of few students the instructor's wednes day office hrs changed to 2:00-4:00pm.

 Date: 29th May 2001

 Homework 1 has been assigned. Pls. visit the homework section for details.

Date: 14th May 2001

 Welcome to the Course.  You can find the course handout here.