COT 4400 - Analysis of Algorithms (Summer 2001)

Course Syllabus and Description


Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms.

Course objectives:

This course covers the basic concepts and knowledge on algorithm analysis - a fundamental issue in computer science.
The primary objective of this course is to build a strong core level of knowledge and experience on algorithms.

The main Chapters :

A. Introductory section
1. Class Guidelines and Policies
2. Review of some mathematical concepts

B. math foundations
3. Growth of functions
4. Summations
5. Recurrences
6. Sets, functions, graphs and trees
7 Counting and probability

C. Sorting
8. Heapsort
9. Quicksort
10 Sorting in linear time

D. Elementary data structures
11. Stacks and queues
12. linked lists
13. Pointers implementing
14. Representing root trees

E. Hash tables
F. Binary search trees
G. Elementary graph algorithms
H. Advanced topics

Prerequisites: A minimal knowledge in a programming language and Data Structures.