CSCE 6651: Advanced VLSI Systems

Instructor: Dr. Saraju P. Mohanty

Project Titles

Fall 2005




23rd Nov


  1. VLSI Architecture and prototype of secure and Authentic still Digital Camera


  1. Compresses-Domain Scrambler/Descramble for digital Video


  1. Power Consumption Study in SRAM cells during read/write operations



28th Nov


  1. A low-power and high performance 2-D DCT chip design


  1. Low power VLSI Smart-Controller for AFM


  1. An Implementation of Hardware to Improve Memory Management Speed



30th Nov


  1. Gate tunneling current analysis in NAND/NOR Circuitry


  1. Behavioral simulation of NAND Gate Implementation of half-adder using Verilog


  1. Design of an Voltage Controlled Oscillator


  1. A Dual Dielectric Techniques for gate leakage Reduction