CSCE 6651: Advanced VLSI Systems

Instructor: Dr. Saraju P. Mohanty

Seminar Titles

Fall 2005





14th Nov:


  1. Topic: Circuit Techniques for Gate and Sub-threshold Leakage Minimization in Future CMOS Technologies.


  1. Topic: NGSPICE and TCLSPICE


  1. Topic: An Asymmetric SRAM cell to lower Gate Leakage


  1. Topic: MPEG-2 Video Compression Tutorial


  1. Topic: Systolic Algorithm and a Memory-based Design Approach for Unified Architecture for the computation of DCT/DST/IDCT/IDST




21st Nov



1.     Topic:  A VLSI Architecture for Video Object Segmentation


2.     Topic: Synthesizing Energy Minimizing Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Circuits for Vision Computing


3.     Topic: Jitter in PLL-Based Frequency Synthesizers


4.     Topic: Analysis and Reduction of Gate Leakage


5.     Topic: An introduction to Cadence Design Tool.