Test 1 Syllabus

CSCE 6730: Advanced VLSI Systems

Instructor: Dr. Saraju P. Mohanty

: This is closed book/text examination. 

  1. Different Attributes of  ICs
  2. Issues in Nano-CMOS
  3. Transistor Types
  4. Classical and Nonclassical MOSFETs
  5. VLSI Trend
  6. Design Abstractions
  7. Custom IC Design Flow
  8. IC Fabrication Flow
  9. Taxonomy of Design Automation
  10. Synthesis Flow
  11. Behavioral Vs Structural Modeling
  12. High-Level Synthesis Fundamentals
  13. Advantages of High-Level Synthesis
  14. High-Level Synthesis Phases
  15. Control/Data Flow Graph