Test 3 Syllabus

CSCE 2610: Computer Organization

Instructor: Dr. Saraju P. Mohanty

NOTE: This is closed book/text examination.

  1. Representing Instructions
  2. MIPS R-format Instructions
  3. MIPS I-format Instructions
  4. MIPS J-format Instructions
  5. MIPS R-format Instructions
  6. Fixed versus variable length instructions
  7. Assembly versus Machine Language
  8. Procedure Calling
  9. Memory Layout
  10. Addressing Mode
  11. Value of a Digit or Number
  12. Why Don’t Computers Use Decimals?
  13. Possible Representations of  binary integers
  14. Addition and Subtraction operations
  15. Detecting Overflow
  16. Effects of Overflow
  17. Two options of MIPS handling overflow
  18. Exception and Interrupt
  19. Exception in MIPS
  20. What Happens in a Computer When Interrupt/Exception Occurs?
  21. How could we build a 1-bit ALU for add, and, and or?
  22. How could we build a 32-bit ALU?
  23. Support subtraction in ALU
  24. Support the set-on-less-than instruction (slt)
  25. Supporting slt and Overflow in ALU
  26. 32-bit ALU for MIPS supporting: add, sub, or, and, slt, beq, overflow
  27. Binary Multiplication
  28. Binary Multipliers: Hand calculation to hardware
  29. Binary Multiplication Implementation:  v1
  30. Fast Multiplication Hardware
  31. MIPS Multiplication Instructions
  32. Binary Division
  33. Binary Division Implementation: v1
  34. MIPS Division Instructions
  35. IEEE 754 floating point standard
  36. Float-Point Representation: Single Precision
  37. Float-Point Representation: Double Precision
  38. Floating Point Addition
  39. Floating Point Multiplication
  40. Floating-Point Instruction in MIPS
  41. The Processor: Datapath & Control
  42. Basic Building Blocks of Processor
  43. Register File: Read and Write Operation
  44. Datapath construction supporting: R-format, lw, sw, beq
  45. Designing the ALU and Main Control in processor
  46. How does the single cycle datapath work?
  47. How do we handle jump in processor?
  48. Single Cycle Implementation - Issues
  49. Single Cycle, Multiple Cycle, vs. Pipeline
  50. Multicycle Datapath Approach