Test 2 Syllabus

CSCE 2610: Computer Organization

Instructor: Dr. Saraju P. Mohanty


NOTE: This is closed book/text examination.

  1. What are the computer Instructions?
  2. What Must be Specified in a Instruction Set Architecture?
  3. Instruction Categories in MIPS Processor.
  4. Instruction Set Architecture Design Principles.
  5. MIPS Arithmetic Instructions.
  6. Register Operands.
  7. MIPS Logical Operations.
  8. MIPS Shift Operations.
  9. Memory Operands
  10. Registers vs. Memory
  11. Software conventions for Registers
  12. Stored Program Concept
  13. Memory Organization
  14. Addressing Objects: Endianess
  15. Constants or Immediate Operands
  16. Unsigned Binary Integers
  17. 2s-Complement Signed Integers
  18. Sign Extension
  19. Conditional Operations
  20. Unconditional Branch: jump instruction