Research Focus
The Smart Electronic Systems Laboratory (SESL) conducts research in Smart Electronics for the efficient realization of Internet-of-Things (IoT) based components for Smart Cities. The key aspects of the smart electronics are envisioned to be Energy-Smart, Security-Smart, and Response-Smart. Energy-Smart ensures that energy consumption of consumer electronics is minimal for longer battery life. Security-Smart deals with the security/protection of electronics systems as well as that of the information/media that these systems capture, process, or store. Response-Smart refers to accurate sensing, intelligent processing, and fast actuation/response. Smart Electronics in the framework of IoT can provide 3Is (Instrumentation, Interconnection, and Intelligence) to the Smart Cities. Optimal combinations of hardware and software modules are explored for ESR-smartness and design/operation cost trade-offs of electronic systems. The research of SESL can be classified into the following inter-related categories:
- Security-by-Design (SbD) for Internet of Things (IoT) or Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
- IoT-friendly Approaches for Smart Healthcare and Smart Agriculture
- IoT-enabled Electronics for Smart Cities and Smart Villages
- Design and CAD for Digital, Mixed-Signal, Mixed-Discipline Systems
- VLSI Architecture for Multimedia Processing
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Grants and Projects
- Discovering Capabilities for Community Living and Participation for Older Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), 2024-2027, Total Amount - $599,992, Co-Principal Investigator - Mohanty, PI - E. Mpofu.
- iMed-Sec: Exploring Hardware-Assisted Solutions for Energy-Efficient Low-Overhead Security and Privacy for the Internet-of-Medical-Things, National Science Foundation (NSF), Computer and Network Systems (CNS) - Broadening Particiption in Computing (HBCU-Excellence in Research), 2021-2026, Total Amount - $499,500 (UNT - $150,000), Co-Principal Investigator - Mohanty, Senior Personnel - Kougianos, PI - V. Iyer, Grambling State University.
- NSF Student Travel Grant for 2024 IEEE Computer Society International Symposium on VLSI (IEEE ISVLSI), National Science Foundation (NSF), Computer and Network Systems (CNS) - Computer Systems Research (CSR), 2022-2026, Total Amount - $20,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty.
- Easy-Med: Interdisciplinary Training in Security, Privacy-Assured Internet of Medical Things, National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) - CyberTraining, 2019-2023, Total Amount - $495,970 (UNT - $247,373), Principal Investigator - Mohanty, co-PI - Kougianos.
- NSF Student Travel Grant for 2019 IEEE Computer Society International Symposium on VLSI (IEEE ISVLSI), National Science Foundation (NSF), Computer and Network Systems (CNS) - Computer Systems Research (CSR), 2019-2022, Total Amount - $10,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty.
- Methods for Cybersecurity in AI-Enabled Smart Systems, Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM), 2021-2025, Total Amount - $130,000 (Estimated), Senior Personnel - Mohanty, Senior Personnel - Kougianos, Research Scholar - F. J. Alruwaili.
- Distributed Ledger for Smart City Applications, Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM), 2021-2025, Total Amount - $130,000 (Estimated), Senior Personnel - Mohanty, Senior Personnel - Kougianos, Research Scholar - M. Alruwaill.
- Scalable Next Generation Blockchains for Large Scale Complex Cyber-Physical Systems, Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM), 2019-2023, Total Amount - $130,000 (Estimated), Senior Personnel - Mohanty, Senior Personnel - Kougianos, Research Scholar - A. Alkhodair).
- Mix-Energy-Source Electric Vehicle Charging System Design and its Impact on Indian Smart-Distribution-Grid, Mission Innovation - India, 2018-2021, Total Amount - $518,000 (Estimated), Senior Personnel - Mohanty, PI - Santanu K. Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
- Memory Design Optimization for Low-Latency Embedded Vision Processor (LLEVS), Air Force STTR, NanoWatt Design, Inc., 2015-2016, Total Amount - $150,000 (UNT - $45,000), Principal Investigator - Mohanty, co-PI - Kougianos.
- Exploring Emerging Technology based Energy Efficient IoT Sensors for Smart Cities, Building Energy Efficiency Higher & Advanced Network (BHAVAN) Fellowship Program, Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF), 2016, Total Amount - $25,000 (Estimated), Senior Personnel - Mohanty, Visiting Scholar – J. Singh, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur, India.
- New Frameworks for Secure Image Communication in the Internet of Things (IoT), Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM), 2014-2016, Total Amount - $80,000 (Estimated), Senior Personnel - Mohanty, Senior Personnel - Kougianos, Research Scholar - U. Albalawi.
- Power and Thermal Aware Design of Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits and Network-on-Chips, Raman Fellowships for Post Doctoral Research, University Grants Commission, India, 2013-2014, Total Amount - $50,000 (Estimated), Senior Personnel - Mohanty, Visiting Scholar – P. Ghosal, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India.
- Introduction of Nanoelectronics Courses in Undergraduate Computer Science and Computer Engineering Curricula, National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) - Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI), 2010-2013, Total Amount - $180,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty, co-PI - Kougianos.
- Infrastructure Acquisition for Statistical Power, Leakage, and Timing Modeling Towards Realization of Robust Complex Nanoelectronics Circuits, National Science Foundation (NSF), Computer and Network Systems (CNS) - Computing Research Infrastructure (CRI), 2009-2012, Total Amount - $269,265 (includes $20,000 UNT matching), Principal Investigator - Mohanty, co-PI - Kougianos.
- Fast PVT-Tolerant Physical Design of RF IC Components, Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), Global Research Collaboration (GRC), Texas Analog Center of Excellence (TxACE), 2009-2012, Total Amount - $134,140 (includes $29,140 UNT matching), Principal Investigator - Mohanty, co-PI - Kougianos.
- Process Variation Aware Synthesis of Nano-CMOS Circuits, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK, 2009-2012, Total Amount - £285,394, Senior Personel - Mohanty, Principal Investigator - Dhiraj K. Pradhan, University of Bristol, UK.
- International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED), National Science Foundation (NSF), Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) - Computer Architecture, 2010-2011, Total Amount - $14,000 (includes $4,000 UNT matching), Principal Investigator - Mohanty.
- A Comprehensive Methodology for Early Power-Performance Estimation of Nano-CMOS Digital Systems, National Science Foundation (NSF), Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) - Computing Processes and Artifacts (CPA), 2007-2010, Total Amount - $200,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty, co-PI - Kougianos.
- Development of Efficient Methodologies and Tools for Analog, Mixed-Signal and RF IC Design, Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Total Amount - $24,000, 2004-2005, Principal Investigator - Kougianos.
- The SPICE Modernization Project, ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference Fellowship, 2005-2006, Total Amount - $24,000, Principal Investigator - Kougianos.
- Nanoelectronics Unified Fault Modeling and Experimentation - From Devices to Systems, Research Infrastructure Support Initiative, University of North Texas, 2008-2009, Total Amount - $24,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty, co-PI - Kougianos.
- Watermarking Algorithms for Real-Time Copyright Protection and Subtitling during Digital Video Broadcasting in Internet Protocol Television (IP-TV), Faculty Research Grant, University of North Texas, 2008-2009, Total Amount - $5,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty.
- Secure Digital Camera (SDC) for Biometric Authentication, Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, University North Texas, 2007, Total Amount - $5,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty.
- VLSI Architecture and Implementation of a Digital Video Broadcasting Network Processor (VNP) with Digital Rights Management (DRM) Facility, Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, University of North Texas, 2006, Total Amount - $5,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty.
- Behavioral Tools and Methodologies for Nanotechnology Design Automation, University of North Texas, 2006-2007, Total Amount - $5,000, Principal Investigator - Kougianos.
- Stochastic Techniques for the Characterization of VLSI Interconnects, University of North Texas, 2006-2007, Total Amount - $5,000, Principal Investigator - Kougianos.
- A Low Power Smart VLSI Controller for Nano-Characterization in Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, University of North Texas, 2005, Total Amount - $5,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty.
- Leakage Current Reduction in Nanometer VLSI Circuits using Dual Gate Dielectrics, Faculty Research Grant, University of North Texas, 2005-2006, Total Amount - $4,000, Principal Investigator - Mohanty.
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