Lecture Slides

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NOTE: The lecture materials used in this course are borrowed from various text books and webpages. The instructor do not claim any ownership for them and he uses it only for inclass teaching purposes. The figures and tables are various author's property provided in their respective web sites.
File No. Lectures Slides Lecture Details
8 MohantyLecture9SPICE.zip Spice details for users and designers.
7 MohantyLecture8StaticCMOSLogic.zip Static CMOS Logic
6 MohantyLecture7Inverter.zip The Inverter
5 MohantyLecture6WireAndDelay.zip Wire Delay, Device Delay, RLC parameters
4 MohantyLecture5DeviceTheory.zip Device Operation, I-V Characteristics, C-V Characteristics, Non-ideal I-V Effects
3 MohantyLecture4CadenceTutorial.zip Cadence Tutorial
2 MohantyLecture3Manufacturing.zip Silicon as Semiconductor, CMOS Fabrication, Packaging, Testing
1 MohantyLecture2Introduction.zip VLSI Technology : History, Basics, Growth, Broad Prospective, Moore's Law