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Presentations -- 2014:

  1. Govt. College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, India, Invited Talk, 18 Dec 2014 (DFX for Nanoelectronic Systems)
  2. ISVLSI 2014 Talk (FuzzRoute: A Method For Thermally Efficient Congestion Free Global Routing in 3D ICs)
  3. ISVLSI 2014 Presentation (A Low Latency Scalable 3D NoC Using BFT Topology with Table Based Uniform Routing)
  4. ISVLSI 2014 Presentation (Data Correlation Aware Serial Encoding for Low Switching Power On-Chip Communication)
  5. ISVLSI 2014 Ph.D. Forum Presentation (Exploring Kriging for Fast and Accurate Design Optimization of Nanoscale Analog Circuits)
  6. GLSVLSI 2014 Talk (Variability-Aware DG FinFET-based Current Mirrors)
  7. GLSVLSI 2014 Presentation (Simscape Based Design Flow for Memristor Based Programmable Oscillators)
  8. GLSVLSI 2014 Presentation (A Performance Enhancing Hybrid Locally Mesh Globally Star NoC Topology)
  9. TexasWISE 2014 Presentation (Exploring Kriging for Fast and Accurate Design Optimization of Nanoscale Analog Circuits)
  10. TexasWISE 2014 Presentation (Architectural and Layout Level Optimization of Performance Centric 3D Nanosystem Design)
  11. ISQED 2014 Talk (Statistical Process Variation Analysis of a Graphene FET based LC-VCO for WLAN Applications)
  12. ISQED 2014 Presentation (Kriging Bootstrapped Neural Network Training for Fast and Accurate Process Variation Analysis)

Last updated on 08 Dec 2014 (Mon).
© Saraju P. Mohanty