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Presentations -- 2007:
ISCE 2007 Talk
(CryptMark: A Novel Secure Invisible Watermarking Technique for Color Images)
NASA VLSI 2007 Talk
(A 45nm Flash Analog to Digital Converter for Low Voltage High Speed System on Chips)
NASA VLSI 2007 Talk
(Impact of Gate Leakage on Mixed Signal Design and Simulation of Nano-CMOS Circuits)
NASA VLSI 2007 Talk
(A Universal Voltage Level Converter for Multi-VDD Based Low-Power Nano-CMOS Systems-on-Chips (SoCs))
IWLS 2007
Presentation 2 (Interdependency Study of Process and Design Parameter
Scaling for Power Optimization of Nano-CMOS Circuits under Process
IWLS 2007 Presentation 1
(A Comparative Analysis of Gate Leakage and Performance of High-K Nanoscale CMOS Logic Gates)
Seminar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Utah State University (USU), Utah, 15th May 2007 (Circuits and Systems for Real-Time DRM of Multimedia)
Seminar, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Computer Engineering, University of Missouri-Kansas
City (UMKC), MO, 5th May 2007 (Circuits and Systems for Real-Time DRM of Multimedia)
Seminar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas,
San Antonio (UTSA), TX, 20th March 2007
(A Secure Digital Camera for Real-Time Security and Copyright Protection of Multimedia)
Seminar, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of
Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Baltimore, MD, 9th March 2007
(A Secure Digital Camera for Real-Time Security and Copyright Protection of Multimedia)
VLSI Design 2007 Talk (Simultaneous Power Fluctuation and Average Power
Minimization during Nano-CMOS Behavioral Synthesis)
VLSI Design 2007 Talk (Metrics to Quantify Steady and Transient Gate Leakage
in Nanoscale Transistors: NMOS Vs PMOS Perspective)
Seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc),
Bangalore, India, 8th January 2007 (Secure Digital Camera)