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Presentations -- 2024:

  1. SCES 2024 Keynote - 21 June 2024 (Towards Cyber-Fortifying the Smart Healthcare System)
  2. ET-Edge, CCGRID 2024 Keynote - 06 May 2024 (Security-by-Design for Fortifying Cybersecurity of IoT/CPS)
  3. ET-Edge, CCGRID 2024 Keynote - 06 May 2024 (Security-by-Design for Fortifying Cybersecurity of IoT/CPS)
  4. WITX 2024 Keynote - 18 Apr 2024 (Everything You Wanted to Know About Smart Agriculture)
  5. ICAIA 2024 Keynote - 19 Mar 2024 (Agriculture Cyber-Physical Systems (A-CPS) - Demystified)
  6. IC-CGU 2024 Keynote - 01 Mar 2024 (Towards Sustainable Healthcare Cyber-Physical Systems (H-CPS))
  7. GLSVLSI 2024 - 14 June 2024 (PUFshield: A Hardware-Assisted Approach for Deepfake Mitigation Through PUF-Based Facial Feature Attestation)
  8. GLSVLSI 2024 - 14 June 2024 (Fortified-Edge 4.0: A ML-Based Error Correction Framework for Secure Authentication in Collaborative Edge Computing)

Last updated on 18 June 2024 (Tue).
© Saraju Mohanty